Adding or removing a menu item in WordPress
Last Update één jaar geleden
Adding or removing a menu item in WordPress is a straightforward process. WordPress provides an easy-to-use interface for managing menus. Here are the steps for both adding and removing menu items:
Adding a Menu Item:
1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard: You need to have administrator or editor privileges to make changes to menus.
2. Navigate to the Menu Editor:
- Click on "Menus."
3. Select or Create a Menu:
- If you want to create a new menu, click on "Create a new menu," give it a name, and click "Create Menu."
4. Add Items to the Menu:
- On the left-hand side, you'll see different options like "Pages," "Posts," "Custom Links," and more. You can expand these options to select individual pages, posts, or create custom links.
5. Add Pages or Posts:
- To add pages or posts to your menu, check the boxes next to the items you want to add and then click "Add to Menu."
6. Add Custom Links:
- To add custom links (external URLs) to your menu, click on "Custom Links," enter the URL and link text, and then click "Add to Menu."
7. Arrange Menu Items:
- You can drag and drop menu items to arrange them in the desired order.
8. Create Sub-Menus:
- You can create sub-menus by dragging menu items slightly to the right below a parent item. This is useful for creating dropdown menus.
9. Set Menu Location:
- In the "Menu Settings" section, select the menu location where you want this menu to be displayed (e.g., Primary Menu, Footer Menu, etc.).
10. Save Menu:
- Click the "Save Menu" button to save your changes.
Removing a Menu Item:
- Log in to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to "Appearance" > "Menus."
- Select the Menu from the drop-down or create a new menu if needed.
- Locate the Menu Item you want to remove in the right-hand pane (the list of menu items).
- Click the Dropdown Arrow next to the menu item to expand its settings.
- Click "Remove". This will remove the menu item from the menu.
- Don't forget to save your menu after removing items if you want to keep the changes.
Remember that changes you make to your menu are not permanent until you save them. You can always rearrange, add, or remove menu items and then save your menu to update the changes on your website.